People and the network

tags:: Memex3, control, censorship, agency, politics, communication, globalization

  • With my third memex, I really wanted to drive home the themes of politics and power in the shaping and use of the internet and the computers. As I've been gardening my sources, I was constantly reminded how the internet, born of social necessity from the Cold War, later became a tool "for the people." This network was all about the Globalization_of_communication and connecting people. The indestructable system developed in the Cold War only helped faciliate this expansion by distributing nodes of networks across the world. Although the early internet had a strong emphasis as being free and for the free speech of people, it quickly caught the eye of capital investers and businesses would start monetizing the platform. We saw this with the Freemium models that quite literally puts free users at a disadvantage by limiting them of full access of knowledge and information behind a paywall. On top of now having to pay to access information on the web, information was now oppressively withdrawn and suppressed through Censorship. The internet is now used as a platform to control the mass, to abide them by the political values of the host/web owners.
  • How much of the internet will still be "for the people" in 10-20 years? With the emergeance of AI programs and more people connected than ever, countries are attempting to regulate and control the flow of information to their own political needs.