Control and censorship

tags:: Memex2, control, censorship, agency, politics

  • It was during the building of my second memex, that I realized that I wanted to learn more about the political side of the internet. The internet has been with me since I was born, and will be with me, in increasingly extreme ways, until I die. By better understanding the Politics_of_power that shaped the development of the telegraph and the Globalization_of_communication, I gained a new perspective on what exactly the internet is. It is a controlled network of communication, based on western classification methods, that contains immense political potential for control and censorship.
  • Eric Desrosiers's Memex talks a bit more about British's motivations for telegraphy which I found pertinent here because of its political agency. They claim here that colonialism was one of the main motivations, for which I agree. With colonialism, British could increase its economic and political standing, and the telegraph allowed them to keep their power hold on their colonies.
  • The notion of Censorship is especially interesting to me, and I hope to further explore its implications in my third memex.