Globalization of communication
tags:: Memex2, globalization, communication, control, imperialism, politics, telegraph
- According to National Geographic definition, globalization is "a term used to describe the increasing connectedness and interdependence of world cultures and economies." Therefore, the telegraph can be seen as a tool of globalization as it connects the world through cables. It is important to understand how globalization has been pushed by the inertia of industrialization and colonization, therefore carrying with it imperial characteristics. With the expansion of the telegraph and social necessities, which are rooted in Imperial_needs, communication has been globalized.
Citational Information¶
@headrickSubmarineTelegraphCables2001 @standageVictorianInternet1999 @macDougallPeopleNetwork2013
Related Links¶
Globalization is not without Agency, Politics_of_communication
Globalization is built on imperial needs and wants: Imperial_needs