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Digital communities

tags:: Memex3, ARPANET, communications, communities, digital space

  • With the emergeance of the ARPANET, and the exponential growth of connected nodes, a road was paved for the emergeance of digital communities. A community is fundamentally a group of people gathered together through a common interest. In the case of CSNET, its popularity involved the scientific community and created a distinct digital community. What makes these digital communities different from physical ones? Were there communities who communicated exclusively through the web and never met in person? With today's web, it's very common for people to gather around digital communities and never meet each other in real life. It makes me wonder when exactly the transition from the physical to digital happened in these communities. After all, with a changing Transmission_of_knowledge comes a change in social space and human practices.

Citational Information


These digital communities themselves created small ecosystems: Media_as_an_ecosystem