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Title: [@AmherstMethodOrigins2022] date: 2023-02-10 type: reference project: Memex1

tags:: Memex1, Source, Classification, Agency


Wiegand, Wayne A. 1998. 'The "Amherst Method": The Origins of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme'. Libraries & Culture 3.2: 175-194.

Summary & Key Take Aways

The article tries to locate the origin influences of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. A debate started in 1945 started to investigate sources of influences like showing that Dewey may have adapted William Torrey Harris' classification system, which was based on Bacon's original structure. The article lists a few more contributors like Hegel's philosophy, and more relevant, the Amherst College community. It was through a discourse of Amherst students, professors, and libraries that he gained inspiration and guidance for his classification structure. Ultimately, the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme flourished from White Anglo-saxon agency, and further expansions was done within the comforts of the Anglo-Saxon world.
